Forage Mixes
- Enduro Plus Baler Mix
65% Enduro Elite Brand Alfalfa
20% Medium Red Clover
10% Kootenai Timothy
5% Alsike Clover
- Equine Hay and Pasture Mix
30% Orchardgrass
15% Forage Bluegrass
15% Timothy
15% Italian Ryegrass
15% Festulolium
10% Perennial Ryegrass
Ask us about all of our forage options.
- AFX 579
- 324 LH
- Vernal Alfalfa
- Alsike Clover
- Canadian 60/40 Plowdown Clover
- Canadian Mammoth Clover
- Ladino White Clover
- Medium Red Clover
- White Dutch Clover
- Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover
Forage Seed
- Smooth Bromegrass
- Bronson Tall Fescue
- Climax Timothy
- Fawn Fescue (Endophyte-Free)
- Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue
- Orchardgrass (Late Mate II Brand)
- Potomac Orchardgrass (Early)
- Power Tetraploid Ryegrass
- Triticale
- Sudangrass
- Sorghum Sudan

Look to Burtch Seed when planning your alfalfa crop and forage mixes. We have the seed you need and agronomic knowledge to assist you in making the correct choice for your operation.
- Hi-Gest® 360
- PGI 529
- Rugged
- Vernal Alfalfa
- 322 LH
- Alsike Clover
- Canadian 60/40 Plowdown Clover
- Canadian Mammoth Clover
- Ladino White Clover
- Medium Red Clover
- White Dutch Clover
- Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover
Forage Seed
- Smooth Bromegrass
- Bronson Tall Fescue
- Climax Timothy
- Fawn Fescue (endophyte-free)
- Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue
- Orchardgrass (Late Mate II Brand)
- Potomac Orchardgrass (Early)
- Power Tetraploid Ryegrass
- Triticale
- Sudangrass
- Sorghum Sudan
Forage Mixes
- Enduro Plus Baler Mix
65% Enduro Elite Brand Alfalfa
20% Medium Red Clover
10% Kootenai Timothy
5% Aslike Clover
- Champion Pasture Mix
40% Orchardgrass
25% Tetraploid Per Ryegrass
15% Festulolium
10% Bromegrass
5% Timothy
5% Kentucky Bluegrass
Ask us about all of our forage options.

Look to Burtch Seed when planning your alfalfa crop and forage mixes. We have the seed you need and agronomic knowledge to assist you in making the correct choice for your operation.
Burtch Seed custom blends and packages to fit your seed needs.